Lifestyle M&CO. was originally created by the owners of Kamiseta and M&Co to give their employees an alternative source of income. However, because of the quality products being created, M&CO. the brand grew exponentially and had to accept new members from outside the company. It has since then turned into the fastest growing direct selling company it is today.

The owners of the company are the owners of an already existing multi million peso industry and an internationally known brand. The owner of "kamiseta" and "M&Co.". He's Mr. Gonzalo Roque III - CEO of Kamiseta, M&Co. and "Lifestyle by M&Co.". He already received 21 Major awards both from the Philippines and International business awards committee for his outstanding performance in the local and international market.


A better life for every member


By providing a quality business venture, it is our commitment

to help our members reach their dreams and aspirations.
 The company is committed in providing a profitable business that will bring financial freedom to our members through our core strength premium quality products.